Quantum Optics (W17/18)

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Quantum Optics

Dr. Andrey Moskalenko

The lecture will address the main concepts and some recent advances in quantum optics from the theory point of view. In particular, the following topics will be discussed:

  • Introduction (harmonic oscillator, quantization, field quantization, zero point motion, spontaneous emission, Casimir effect)
  • Quantum states of light (coherent, Fock, squeezed, cat, thermal etc.)
  • Description: frequency domain (photon number distribution, field quadratures, Wigner function, Glauber-Sudarshan function)
  • Detection (Photon counting and its statistics, correlation techniques, homodyning, quantum tomography, quantum non-demolition measurements, electro-optic sampling)
  • Effects (Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, quantum lithography, LIGO interferometry, spontaneous parametric down conversion)
  • Light-matter interaction (Jaynes-Cumming model, Dicke superradiance, single-photon emitters, quantum spectroscopy)
  • Description: time domain
  • Squeezing and entanglement, Hawking/Unruh radiation


    Required: IK I - IK III, Quantum Mechanics (IK IV)
    Recommended: Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics

    1) D. F. Walls and G. J. Milburn, ''Quantum Optics'', Springer, 2008 or 1994.
    2) W. Vogel and D.-G. Welsch, "Quantum Optics", Wiley, 2006.
    3) U. Leonhardt, "Essential Quantum Optics. From Quantum Measurements to Black Holes", Cambridge University Press, 2010.


    • Vorlesung:
      Di 8:15-9:45 Uhr, P603
      Fr 11:45-13:15 Uhr, L602
    • Beginn der Vorlesung: 03.11.2017 (2. Vorlesungswoche!)
    • Übungen
    • Do 17:00-18:30 Uhr, P912 - Thiago Lucena
      Do 13:30-15:00 Uhr, PZ801 - Alessandro David

    Exercise sheets

    Sheet 1
    Sheet 2
    Sheet 3
    Sheet 4
    Sheet 5
    Sheet 6
    Sheet 7
    Sheet 8
    Sheet 9
    Sheet 10
    Sheet 11
    Sheet 12

  • Ende der Lehrveranstaltungen: 16.02.2018
  • Prüfungen
  • Mündliche Prüfung: ...

    Schriftliche Prüfung: Mittwoch, 28.02.2018, 11:00-14:00
    Erlaubte Hilfsmittel:
    Nur Schreibmaterial und ein beidseitig beschriebenes A4 Blatt (keine Taschenrechner, keine Handys/Smartphones usw.)