Peer-reviewed Publications |
2025 |
- Geiger, J., Alhissi, M., Fuchs, M., and Zumbusch, A. Verification of Perrin’s theory of the motion of dilute spheroidal colloids. arXiv:2405.03304. |
- Vogel, F., P. Baumgärtel and M. Fuchs. Self-Consistent Current Response Theory of Unjamming and Vibrational Modes in Low-Temperature Amorphous Solids. Phys. Rev. X, 15(1), 011030. KOPS. |
2024 |
- Alhissi, M., A. Zumbusch and M. Fuchs. Observation of Liquid Glass in Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Chem. Phys., 160(1), 164502. KOPS. |
- Baschnagel, J., M. Fuchs, N. Grimm, A. Semenov and A. Zippelius. Stress correlations in viscoelastic fluids: Comparison of different theoretical approaches. Soft Matter, in preparation. |
- Baumgärtel, P., F. Vogel and M. Fuchs. Properties of stable ensembles of Euclidean random matrices. Phys. Review E, 109(1), 014120. KOPS. |
- Ditz, N., A. M. Puertas and M. Fuchs. Nonlinear microrheology with time-dependent forces: Application to recoils in viscoelastic fluids. Phys. Rev. E, 101(1), 054603. KOPS. |
- Divoux, T. et al. (39). Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions. Soft Matter, 20, 6868–6888. KOPS. |
- Fischer, L., M. Maier, M. Fuchs, N. Dingenouts, V. Hirschberg, A. Wittemann and V. Wilhelm. Nonlinear Rheological Behavior of Glass-Forming Colloidal Suspensions under Oscillatory Shear: Experiment and Relation to Mode Coupling Theory Predictions. J. Rheol, 68(1), 709–729. KOPS. |
- Geiger, J., N. Grimm, M. Fuchs and A. Zumbusch. Decoupling of rotation and translation at the colloidal glass transition. J. Chem. Phys., 161(1), 014507. KOPS. |
- Grimm, N., M. von Bischopinck, A. Zumbusch and M. Fuchs. Long-ranged stress correlations in viscoelastic fluids of Brownian hard spheres. J. Chem. Phys., 161(1), 144118. KOPS. |
- Maier, M., A. Zippelius and M. Fuchs. Erratum: ”Stress auto-correlation tensor in glass-forming isothermal fluids: From viscous to elastic response”. J. Chem. Phys., 161(19), 199901. KOPS. |
- Vogel, F., P. Baumgärtel and M. Fuchs. A self-consistent current response theory of jamming and vibrational modes in low-temperature amorphous solids. Phys. Rev. X(submitted), arXiv:2405.06537. |
- Wilhelm, V., M. Krüger, M. Fuchs and F. Vogel. Evaluation of the probability current in the stochastic path integral formalism. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., submitted. |
2023 |
- Bissinger, T. and M. Fuchs. The BKT transition in a spin fluid. J. Chem. Phys., 158(4), 044902. KOPS. |
- Caspers, J., N. Ditz, K.K. Kumar, F. Ginot, C. Bechinger, M. Fuchs and M. Krüger. How are mobility and friction related in viscoelastic fluids? J. Chem. Phys., 158(2), 024901. KOPS. |
- Divoux, T. and 39 others. Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions. arXiv, 2312.14278. |
- Ganguly, S., S. Nöjd, A. Yethiraj, P. Schurtenberger and P. S. Mohanty. Crystal to crystal transformation in soft ionic microgels: Kinetics and the role of local mechanical susceptibilities. Phys. Rev. Materials, 7(8), 080401. KOPS. |
- Orts, F., M. Maier, M. Fuchs, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón and A.M. Puertas. Active and passive microrheology with large tracers in hard colloids. J. Chem. Phys., 159(14), 144901. KOPS. |
- Vogel, F. and M. Fuchs. Vibrational phenomena in glasses at low temperatures captured by field theory of disordered harmonic oscillators. Phys. Rev. Lett., 130(23), 236101. KOPS. |
2022 |
- Ganguly, S., G.P. Shrivastav, S.-C. Lin, J. Häring, R. Haussmann, G. Kahl, M. Oettel and M. Fuchs. Elasticity in crystals with high density of local defects : insights from ultra-soft colloids. J. Chem. Phys., 156, 064501. KOPS. |
- Grimm, N., A. Zippelius and M. Fuchs. Simple fluid with broken time reversal invariance. Phys. Rev. E, 106, 034604. KOPS. |
- Miserez, F., S. Ganguly, R. Haussmann and M. Fuchs. Continuum mechanics of non-ideal crystals: Microscopic approach based on projection-operator formalism. Physical Review E, 106, 054125. KOPS. |
- Zippelius, A. and M. Fuchs. From viscous fluids to elastic solids: A perspective on the glass transition. |
2021 |
- Asheichyk, K., M. Fuchs and M. Krüger. Brownian systems perturbed by mild shear: Comparing response relations. J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 33(40), 405101. KOPS. |
- Ditz, N. and R. Roth. Gas–liquid phase transition in a binary mixture with an interaction that creates constant density profiles. J. Chem. Phys., 154, 200945. KOPS. |
- Lin, S.C., M. Oettel, J.M. Häring, R. Haussmann, M. Fuchs and G. Kahl. The direct correlation function of a crystalline solid. Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 085501. KOPS. |
- Roller, J., A. Laganapan, J.-M. Meijer, M. Fuchs and A. Zumbusch. Observation of liquid glass in suspensions of ellipsoidal colloids. PNAS, 118 (3). KOPS. |
2020 |
- Gruber, M., A.M. Puertas and M. Fuchs. Critical force in active microrheology. Phys. Rev. E, 101, 012612. KOPS. |
- Kim, B., M. Fuchs and V. Krakoviack. Dynamics of a noninteracting colloidal fluid in a quenched Gaussian random potential: A time-reversal-symmetry-preserving field-theoretic approach. J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp., 2020, 023301. KOPS. |
- Kranz, T., F. Frahsa, A. Zippelius, M. Fuchs and M. Sperl. Integration through transients for inelastic hard sphere fluids. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 024305. KOPS. |
- Orts, F., G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, M. Fuchs and A.M. Puertas. Dynamics and friction of a large colloidal particle in a bath of hard spheres: Langevin theory and simulations. Phys. Rev. E, 101, 052607. KOPS. |
- Ras, T., M. Szafarczyk and M. Fuchs. Elasticity of disordered binary crystals. Colloid Polym. Sci., 298, 803–818. KOPS. |
- Vogel, F. and M. Fuchs. Stress correlation function and linear response of Brownian particles. Eur. Phys. J. E, 43, 70. KOPS. |
- Voigtmann, T., M. Siebenbürger, C.P. Amann, S.U. Egelhaaf, S. Fritschi, M. L. Krüger, K.J. Mutch and K.H. Samwer. Rheology of colloidal and metallic glass formers. Colloid and Polymer Science. KOPS. |
2019 |
- Senbil, N., M. Gruber, C. Zhang, M. Fuchs and F. Scheffold. Observation of strongly heterogeneous dynamics at the depinning transition in a colloidal glass. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 108002. KOPS. |
- Vogel, F., A. Zippelius and M. Fuchs. Emergence of Goldstone excitations in stress correlations of glass-forming colloidal dispersions. Europhys. Lett., 125, 68003. KOPS. |
2018 |
- Fritschi, S. and M. Fuchs. Elastic moduli of a Brownian colloidal glass former. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 30, 024003. KOPS. |
- Hassani, M., E.M. Zirdehi, K. Kok, P. Schall, M. Fuchs and F. Varnik. Long-range strain correlations in 3D quiescent glass forming liquids. Europhys. Lett., 124, 18003. KOPS. |
- Kranz, T., F. Frahsa, A. Zippelius, M. Fuchs and M. Sperl. Rheology of inelastic hard spheres at finite density and shear rate. Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 148002. KOPS. |
- Leitmann, S., S. Mandal, M. Fuchs, M.A. Puertas and T. Franosch. Time-dependent active microrheology in dilute colloidal suspensions. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 103301. KOPS. |
- Maier, M., A. Zippelius and M. Fuchs. Stress auto-correlation tensor in glass-forming isothermal fluids: From viscous to elastic response. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 084502. KOPS. |
2017 |
- Cárdenas, H., F. Frahsa, S. Fritschi, A. Nicolas, S. Papenkort, T. Voigtmann and M. Fuchs. Nonlinear mechanical response of supercooled melts under applied forces. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 226(14), 3039. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. Recent advances on glass-forming systems driven far from equilibrium: Special volume marking the completition of the Research Unit FOR 1394 'Nonlinear response to probe vitrification'. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 226, 2991. KOPS. |
- Illing, B., S. Fritschi, H. Kaiser, C. Klix, G. Maret and P. Keim. Mermin-Wagner fluctuations in 2D amorphous solids. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, 1856–1861. KOPS. |
- Maier, M., A. Zippelius and Fuchs,M. Emergence of long-ranged stress correlations at the liquid to glass transition. Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 265701. KOPS. |
2016 |
- Gruber, M., G.C. Abade, A.M. Puertas and M. Fuchs. Active microrheology in a colloidal glass. Phys. Rev. E., 94, 042602. KOPS. |
- Illing, B., S. Fritschi, D. Hajnal, C. Klix, P. Keim and M. Fuchs. Strain pattern in supercooled liquids. Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 208002. KOPS. |
- Nicolas, A. and M. Fuchs. Shear-thinning in dense colloidal suspensions and its effect on elastic instabilities: from the microscopic equations of motion to an approximation of the macroscopic rheology. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 228, 64–78. KOPS. |
- Seyboldt, R., D. Merger, F. Coupette, M. Siebenbuerger, M. Ballauff, M. Wilhelm and M. Fuchs. Divergence of the third harmonic stress response to oscillatory strain approaching the glass transition. Soft Matter, 12, 8825–8832. KOPS. |
2015 |
- Amann, C.P., M. Siebenbürger, M. Ballauff and Fuchs M. Nonlinear rheology of glass-forming colloidal dispersions: transient stress-strain relationsfrom anisotropic mode coupling theory and thermosensitive microgels. J. Phys.:Condensed Matter, 27, 194121. KOPS. |
- Amann, C.P., D. Denisov, M.T. Dang, B. Struth, P. Schall and M. Fuchs. Shear-induced breaking of cages in colloidal glasses: Scattering experiments and mode coupling theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 034505. KOPS. |
- Bhattacharjee, A.K. Stress-structure relation in dense colloidal melts under forward and instantaneous reversal of the shear. Soft Matter, 11, 5697. KOPS. |
- Frey, S., F. Weysser, H. Meyer, J. Farago, M. Fuchs and J. Baschnagel. Simulated glass-forming polymer melts: Dynamic scattering functions, chain length effects, and mode-coupling theory analysis. Eur. Phys. J. E, 38, 11. KOPS. |
- Häring, J.M., Ch. Walz, G. Szamel and M. Fuchs. Coarse-grained density and compressibility of nonideal crystals: General theory and an application to cluster crystals. Phys.Rev. B, 92, 184103. KOPS. |
2014 |
- Amann, C.P. and M. Fuchs. Transient stress evolution in repulsion and attraction dominate glasses. Journal of Rheol., 58, 1191–1217. KOPS. |
- Fritschi, S., M. Fuchs and Th. Voigtmann. Mode-coupling analysis of residual stresses in colloidal glasses. Soft Matter, 10, 4822–4832. KOPS. |
2013 |
- Amann, C.P., M. Siebenbürger, M. Krüger, F. Weysser, M. Ballauff and M. Fuchs. Overshoots in stress-strain curves: Colloid experiments and schematic mode coupling theory. J. Rheol, 57, 149. KOPS. |
- Ballauff, M., J. M. Brader, S.U. Egelhaaf, M. Fuchs, J. Horbach, N. Koumakis, M. Krüger, M. Laurati, K. J. Mutch, G. Petekidis, M. Siebenbürger, Th. Voigtmann and J. Zausch. Residual Stresses in Glasses. Phys. Rev.Lett., 110, 215701. KOPS. |
- Ferrando-May, E., M. Tomas, P. Blumhardt, M. Stöckl, M. Fuchs and A. Leitenstorfer. Highlighting the DNA damage response with ultrashort laser pulses in the near infrared and kinetic modeling. Frontiers in genetics, 4, 135. KOPS. |
- Frahsa, F., Bhattacharjee A.K, J. Horbach, M. Fuchs and T. Voigtmann. On the Bauschinger effect in supercooled melts under shear: results from mode coupling theory and molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem.Phys, 138, 12A513. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. Nonlinear rheological response of colloidal glass. AIP Conf. Proc., 1518(1), 134–142. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. Elastic properties of colloidal solids with disorder. In Proc. Intern. School Enrico Fermi, Course 184 'Physics of Complex Colloids'; ed. by F. Sciortino, C. Bechinger, P. Ziherl. KOPS. |
- Gazuz, I. and M. Fuchs. Nonlinear microrheology of dense colloidal suspensions: A mode-coupling theory. Phys. Rev. E, 87, 032304. KOPS. |
- Mutch, K.J., M. Laurati, C.P. Amann, M. Fuchs and S.U. Egelhaaf. Time-Dependent Flow in Arrested States – Transient Behaviour. Eur.Phys.J. Special Topics, 222, 2803–2817. KOPS. |
- Voigtmann, T. and M. Fuchs. Force-driven micro-rheology. Eur.Phys.J. Special Topics, 222, 2819–2833. KOPS. |
2012 |
- Brader, J.M., M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs. First-Principles Constitutive Equation for Suspension Rheology. Phys.Rev.E, 86, 021403. KOPS. |
- Harrer, C.J., D. Winter, J. Horbach, M. Fuchs and T. Voigtmann. Force-induced diffusion in microrheology. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24, 464105. KOPS. |
- Harrer, C.J., A.M. Puertas, T. Voigtmann and M. Fuchs. Probability densities of a forced probe particle in glass: results from mode coupling theory and simulations of active microrheology. Z.Phys.Chem., 226, 779–795. KOPS. |
- Klix, C.L., F. Ebert, F. Weysser, M. Fuchs, G. Maret and P. Keim. Glass elasticity from particle trajectories. Phys.Rev.Lett., 109(17), 178301. KOPS. |
- Laurati, M., K.J. Mutch, N. Koumakis, J. Zausch, C.P. Amann, A.B. Schofield, G. Petekidis, J.F. Brady, J. Horbach, M. Fuchs and S.U. Egelhaaf. Transient dynamics in dense colloidal suspensions under shear: shear rate dependence. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24, 464104. KOPS. |
- Seyboldt, R., D. Hajnal, F. Weysser and M. Fuchs. Shear moduli of two dimensional binary glasses. Soft Matter, 8, 4132–4140. KOPS. |
- Siebenbürger, M., M. Fuchs and M. Ballauff. Core-shell microgels as model colloids for rheological studies. Soft Matter, 8, 4014–4024. KOPS. |
- Voigtmann, T., J.M. Brader, M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Schematic mode coupling theory of glass rheology: single and double step. Soft Matter, 8, 4244–4253. KOPS. |
2011 |
- Brader, J.M. and M. Krüger. Density profiles of a colloidal liquid at a wall under shear flow. Mol.Phys., 109, 1029–1041. KOPS. |
- Dalle-Ferrier, C., M. Krüger, R.D.L. Hanes, S. Walta, M.C. Jenkins and S.U. Egelhaaf. Dynamics of dilute colloidal suspensions in modulated potentials. Soft Matter, 7, 2064–2075. KOPS. |
- Gnann, M.V., I. Gazuz, A.M. Puertas, M. Fuchs and Th. Voigtmann. Schematic models for active nonlinear microrheology. Soft Matter, 7, 1390–1396. KOPS. |
- Gutsche, C., M.M. Elmahdy, K. Kegler, I. Semenov, T. Stangner, O. Otto, O. Ueberschär, U.F. Keyser, M. Krueger, M. Rauscher, R. Weeber, J. Harting, Y.W. Kim, V. Lobaskin, R.R. Netz and F. Kremer. Micro-rheology on (polymer-grafted) colloids using optical tweezers. J.Phys.: Condens. Matter, 23, 184114. |
- Krüger, M., F. Weysser and M. Fuchs. Tagged-particle motion in glassy systems under shear: Comparison of mode coupling theory and Brownian Dynamics simulations. Eur. Phys. J. E, 34, 88. KOPS. |
- Weyßer, F. and D. Hajnal. Tests of mode-coupling theory in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. E, 83, 041503. KOPS. |
2010 |
- Brader, J.M. Nonlinear rheology of colloidal dispersions. J. Phys. Condens.Matter, 22, 363101. KOPS. |
- Brader, J.M., M. Siebenbuerger, M. Ballauff, K. Reinheimer, M. Wilhelm, S.J. Frey, F. Weysser and M. Fuchs. Nonlinear response of dense colloidal suspensions under oscillatory shear: Mode-coupling theory and FT-rheology experiments. Phys. Rev. E, 82, 061401. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. Non-linear rheological properties of dense colloidal dispersions close to a glass transition under steady shear. Adv Polym Sci, 236. KOPS. |
- Krüger, M. and M. Fuchs. Nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations of interacting Brownian particles driven by shear. Phys. Rev. E, 81, 011408. KOPS. |
- Krüger, M. and M. Fuchs. Non-Equilibrium relation between mobility and diffusivity of interacting Brownian particles under shear. Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 172–186. KOPS. |
- Krüger, M., F. Weysser and T. Voigtmann. From Equilibrium to Steady-State Dynamics after Switch-On of Shear. Phys. Rev. E, 81, 061506. KOPS. |
- Reinhardt, J. and F. Weysser and M. Fuchs. Comment on: Probing the equilibrium dynamics of colloidal hard spheres above the mode-coupling glass transition. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 199604. KOPS. |
- Walz, C. and M. Fuchs. Displacement field and elastic constants in nonideal crystals. Phys. Rev. B, 81, 134110. KOPS. |
- Weysser, F., A.M. Puertas, M. Fuchs and T. Voigtmann. Structural relaxation of polydisperse hard spheres: Comparison of the mode-coupling theory to a Langevin dynamics simulation. Phys. Rev. E, 82(1), 011504. KOPS. |
2009 |
- Brader, J.M., T. Voigtmann, M. Fuchs, R.G. Larson and M.E. Cates. Glass Rheology: From mode-coupling theory to a dynamical yield criterion. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A., 106(36), 15186. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and Michael E. Cates. A mode coupling theory for Brownian particles in homogeneous steady shear flow. J. Rheol, 53(4), 957–1000. KOPS. |
- Gazuz, I., A.M. Puertas, T. Voigtmann and M. Fuchs. Active and Nonlinear Microrheology in Dense Colloidal Suspensions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 248302. KOPS. |
- Hajnal, D. and M. Fuchs. Flow curves of colloidal dispersions close to the glass transition: Asymptotic scaling laws in a schematic model of mode coupling theory. Eur. Phys. J. E, 28, 125–138. KOPS. |
- Hajnal, D., J.M. Brader and R. Schilling. The effect of mixing and spatial dimension on the glass transition. Phys. Rev. E, 80, 021503. KOPS. |
- Henrich, O., F. Weysser, M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs. Hard discs under steady shear: comparison of Brownian dynamics simulations and mode coupling theory. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 367, 5033–5050. KOPS. |
- Hütter, M. and J.M. Brader. Nonlocal effects in nonisothermal hydrodynamics from the perspective of beyond-equilibrium thermodynamic. J.Chem.Phys, 130, 214908. KOPS. |
- Krüger, M. and M. Fuchs. Fluctuation dissipation relations in stationary states of interacting Brownian particles under shear. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 135701. KOPS. |
- Krüger, M. and M. Rauscher. Diffusion of a sphere in a dilute solution of polymer coils. J. Chem. Phys., 131(9), 094902. KOPS. |
- Lange, E., J.B. Caballero, A.M. Puertas and M. Fuchs. Comparison of structure and transport properties of concentrated hard and soft sphere fluids. J. Chem. Phys., 130, 174903. KOPS. |
- Laurati, M., G. Petekidis, N. Koumakis, F. Cardinaux, A.B. Schofield, J.M. Brader, M. Fuchs and S.U. Egelhaaf. Structure, Dynamics and Rheology of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures: from Liquids to Gels. J. Chem. Phys., 130, 134907. KOPS. |
- Siebenbürger, M., M. Fuchs, H. Winter and M. Ballauff. Viscoelasticity and shear flow of concentrated, non-crystallizing colloidal suspensions: Comparison with Mode-Coupling Theory. J. Rheol., 53, 707–726. KOPS. |
- Winter, H.H., M. Siebenbürger, D. Hajnal, O. Henrich, M. Fuchs and M. Ballauff. An empirical constitutive law for concentrated colloidal suspensions in the approach of the glass transition. Rheologica Acta, 48, 747–753. KOPS. |
2008 |
- Brader, J.M. Structural precursor to freezing: An integral equation study. J. Chem. Phys., 128, 104503. KOPS. |
- Brader, J.M., M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs. First-Principles Constitutive Equation for Suspension Rheology. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 138301. KOPS. |
- Crassous, J.J., M. Siebenbürger, M. Ballauf, M. Drechsler, D. Hajnal, O. Henrich and M. Fuchs. Shear stresses of colloidal dispersions at the glass transition in equilibrium and in flow. J. Chem. Phys., 128, 204902. KOPS. |
- Gutsche, C., F. Kremer, M. Krüger, M. Rauscher, R. Weeber and J. Harting. Colloids dragged through a polymer solution: Experiment, theory, and simulation. J. Chem. Phys., 129, 084902. KOPS. |
- Hajnal, D., O. Henrich, J.J. Crassous, M. Siebenbürger, M. Drechsler, M. Ballauf and M. Fuchs. Theory of thermodynamic stresses in colloidal dispersions at the glass transition. AIP Conf. Proc., 1027, 674–676. KOPS. |
- Zausch, J., J. Horbach, M. Laurati, S. Egelhaaf, J.M. Brader, T. Voigtmann and M. Fuchs. From Equilibrium to Steady State: The Transient Dynamics of Colloidal Liquids under Shear. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20, 404210. KOPS. |
2007 |
- Bayer, M., J.M. Brader, F. Ebert, E. Lange, M. Fuchs, G. Maret, R. Schilling, M. Sperl and J.P. Wittmer. Dynamic glass transition in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. E, 76, 011508. KOPS. |
- Brader, J.M. and R.L.C. Vink. Structure and phase equilibria of the Widom-Rowlinson model . J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 19, 036101. KOPS. |
- Brader, J.M., T. Voigtmann, M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs. Dense Colloidal Suspensions under Time-Dependent Shear. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 058301. KOPS. |
- Chong, S.-H., M. Aichele, H. Meyer, M. Fuchs and J. Baschnagel. Structural and conformational dynamics of supercooled polymer melts: insights from first-principles theory and simulations. Phys. Rev. E, 76, 051806. KOPS. |
- Henrich, O., O. Pfeifroth and M. Fuchs. Nonequilibrium structure of concentrated colloidal fluids under steady shear: leading order response. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 19, 205132. KOPS. |
- Henrich, O., A.M. Puertas, M. Sperl, J. Baschnagel and M. Fuchs. Bond formation and slow heterogeneous dynamics in adhesive spheres with long--ranged repulsion: Quantitative test of Mode Coupling Theory. Phys. Rev. E, 76, 031404. KOPS. |
- Krüger, M. and M. Rauscher. Colloid-colloid and colloid-wall interactions in driven suspensions. J. Chem. Phys., 127, 034905. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M. E. Cates. Aging in attraction-driven colloidal glasses. Phys. Rev. E, 75, 031401. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Competition between glass transition and liquid-gas separation in attracting colloids. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 19, 205140. KOPS. |
- Rauscher, M., A. Dominguez, M. Krüger and F. Penna. A dynamic density functional theory for particles in a flowing solvent. J. Chem. Phys., 127, 244906. KOPS. |
- Vettorel, T., H. Meyer, J. Baschnagel and M. Fuchs. Structural properties of crystallizable polymer melts: Intrachain and interchain correlation functions. Phys. Rev. E, 75, 041801. KOPS. |
2006 |
- Crassous, J.J., M. Siebenbürger, M. Ballauff, M. Drechsler, O. Henrich and M. Fuchs. Thermosensitive core-shell particles as model systems for studying the flow behavior of concentrated colloidal dispersions. J. Chem. Phys., 125, 204906. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Dynamical heterogeneities in an attraction driven colloidal glass. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 352, 4830–4834. KOPS. |
- Varnik, F. and O. Henrich. Yield Stress Discontinuity in a Simple Glass. Phys. Rev. B, 73, 174209. KOPS. |
2005 |
- Fuchs, M. and M. Ballauff. Flow curves of dense colloidal dispersions: schematic model analysis of the shear-dependent viscosity near the colloidal glass transition. J. Chem. Phys., 122, 094707. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M. Ballauff. Nonlinear rheology of dense colloidal dispersions: a phenomenological model and its connection to mode coupling theory. Colloids Surfaces A, 270-271, 232–238. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M.E. Cates. Integration through transients for Brownian particles under steady shear. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17,, S1681-S1696. KOPS. |
- Henrich, O., F. Varnik and M. Fuchs. Dynamical yield stresses of glasses: asymptotic formulae. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17, S3625-S3630. KOPS. |
- Holmes, C.B., M.E. Cates, M. Fuchs and P. Sollich. Glass transitions and shear thickening suspension rheology. J. Rheol., 49(237), 33. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Mode Coupling and Dynamical Heterogeneity in Colloidal Gelation: A Simulation Study. J. Phys. Chem., B 109, 6666–6675. KOPS. |
- Sperl, M. Nearly-logarithmic decay in the colloidal hard-sphere system. Phys. Rev. E, 71, 060401. KOPS. |
2004 |
- Aichele, M., S.-H. Chong, J. Baschnagel and M. Fuchs. Static properties of a simulated supercooled glassy polymer melt: Structure factors, monomer distributions relative to the center of mass, and triple correlation functions. Phys. Rev. E, 69, 061801. KOPS. |
- Cates, M.E., M. Fuchs, K. Kroy, W.C.K. Poon and A.M. Puertas. Theory and simulation of gelation, arrest and yielding in attracting colloids. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16, S4861-S4875. KOPS. |
- Cates, M.E., C.B. Holmes, M. Fuchs and O. Henrich. Schematic mode coupling theories for shear thinning, shear thickening, and jamming. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 203–216. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Dynamical heterogeneities close to a colloidal gel. J. Chem. Phys., 121, 2813–2822. KOPS. |
- Voigtmann, T., A.M. Puertas and M. Fuchs. Tagged-particle dynamics in a hard-sphere system: Mode-coupling theory analysis. Phys. Rev. E, 70, 061506. KOPS. |
2003 |
- Bergenholtz, J., W.C.K. Poon and M. Fuchs. Gelation in Model Colloid-Polymer Mixtures. Langmuir, 19, 4493–4503. KOPS. |
- Chen, Y.-L., K.S. Schweizer and M. Fuchs. Phase separation in suspensions of colloids, polymers and nanoparticles: Role of solvent quality, physical mesh, and nonlocal entropic repulsion. Journal of Chemical Physics, 118, 3880–3890. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M.E. Cates. Non-Newtonian viscosity of interacting Brownian particles: a comparison of theory and data. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15(1), S401-S406. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M.E. Cates. Schematic models for dynamic yielding of sheared colloidal glasses. Faraday Discussions, 123, 267–286. KOPS. |
- Holmes, C.B., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Jamming Transitions in a Schematic Model of Suspension Rheology. Europhysics Letters, 63, 240–246. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Simulation study of Non-ergodicity Transitions: Gelation in Colloidal Systems with Short Range Attractions. Physical Review E, 67, 031406. KOPS. |
2002 |
- Chong, S.-H. and M. Fuchs. Mode-coupling theory for structural and conformational dynamics of polymer melts. Physical Review Letters, 88, 185702. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M.E. Cates. Theory of Nonlinear Rheology and Yielding of Dense Colloidal Suspensions. Physical Review Letters, 89, 248304. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K. Kroy. Statistical mechanics derivation of hydrodynamic boundary conditions: the diffusion equation. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 9223–9235. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K.S. Schweizer. Structure of Colloid-Polymer Suspensions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 239–269. KOPS. |
- Pham, K.N., A.M. Puertas, J. Bergenholtz, S.U. Egelhaaf, A. Moussaïd, P.N. Pusey, A.B. Schofield, M.E. Cates, M. Fuchs and W.C.K. Poon. Multiple Glassy States in a Simple Model System. Science, 296, 104–106. KOPS. |
- Puertas, A.M., M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates. Comparative simulation study of colloidal gels and glasses. Physical Review Letters, 88, 098301. KOPS. |
- Ramakrishnan, S., M. Fuchs, K.S. Schweizer and C.F. Zukoski. Concentration Fluctuations in a Model Colloid-Polymer Suspension: Experimental Tests of Depletion Theories. Langmuir, 18, 1082–1090. KOPS. |
- Ramakrishnan, S., M. Fuchs, K.S. Schweizer and C.F. Zukoski. Entropy driven phase transitions in colloid-polymer suspensions: Tests of depletion theories. Journal of Chemical Physics, 116, 2201–2212. KOPS. |
- Schmidt, M. and M. Fuchs. Penetrability in model colloid-polymer mixtures. Journal of Chemical Physics, 117, 6308–6312. KOPS. |
2001 |
- Dawson, K., G. Foffi, M. Fuchs, W. Götze, F. Sciortino, M. Sperl, P. Tartaglia, T. Voigtmann and E. Zaccarelli. Higher-order glass-transition singularities in colloidal systems with attractive interactions. Physical Review E, 63, 011401. KOPS. |
- Franosch, T., M. Fuchs and A. Latz. Light scattering spectra of supercooled molecular liquids. Physical Review E, 63, 061209. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K.S. Schweizer. Macromolecular theory of solvation and structure in mixtures of colloids and polymers. Physical Review E, 64, 021514. KOPS. |
2000 |
- Bergenholtz, J., M. Fuchs and T. Voigtmann. Colloidal gelation and non-ergodicity transitions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12(29), 6575–6583. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K.S. Schweizer. Structure and thermodynamics of colloid-polymer mixtures: A macromolecular approach. Europhysics Letters, 51, 621–627. KOPS. |
1999 |
- Bergenholtz, J. and M. Fuchs. Gel transitions in colloidal suspensions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11, 10171–10182. KOPS. |
- Bergenholtz, J. and M. Fuchs. Non-ergodicity transitions in colloidal suspensions with attractive interactions. Physical Review E, 59, 5706–5715. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M.R. Mayr. Aspects of the dynamics of colloidal suspensions: Further results of the mode-coupling theory of structural relaxation. Physical Review E, 60, 5742–5752. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and M. Müller. Intermolecular structure factors of macromolecules in solution: Integral equation results. Physical Review E, 60, 1921–1929. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and T. Voigtmann. Equations of structural relaxation. Philosophical Magazine B, 79(11/12), 1799–1806. KOPS. |
1998 |
- Fuchs, M., W. Götze and M.R. Mayr. Asymptotic laws for tagged-particle motion in glassy systems. Physical Review E, 58, 3384–3399. KOPS. |
- Singh, A.P., G. Li, W. Götze, M. Fuchs, T. Franosch and H.Z. Cummins. Structural relaxation in orthoterphenyl: A schematic mode-coupling-theory model analysis. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 235–237_66–70. KOPS. |
1997 |
- Franosch, T., M. Fuchs, W. Götze, M.R. Mayr and A.P. Singh. Asymptotic laws and preasymptotic correction formulas for the relaxation near glass-transition singularities. Physical Review E, 55, 7153–7176. KOPS. |
- Franosch, T., M. Fuchs, W. Götze, M.R. Mayr and A.P. Singh. Theory for the reorientational dynamics in glass-forming liquids. Physical Review E, 56, 5659–5674. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. Analytic solutions of the PRISM equations for Gaussian polymers. Zeitschrift für Physik B, 103, 521–530. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K.S. Schweizer. Mode-coupling theory of the slow dynamics of polymeric liquids: Fractal macromolecular architectures. Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 347–375. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K.S. Schweizer. Polymer-Mode-Coupling Theory of Finite-Size-Fluctuation in Entangled Solutions, Melts and Gels. I. General Formulation and Predictions. Macromolecules, 30, 5133–5155. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and K.S. Schweizer. Polymer-Mode-Coupling Theory of Finite-Size-Fluctuation in Entangled Solutions, Melts and Gels. II. Comparison with Experiment. Macromolecules, 30, 5156–5171. KOPS. |
- Schweizer, K.S., M. Fuchs, G. Szamel, M. Guenza and H. Tang. Polymer-Mode-Coupling Theory of the Slow Dynamics of Entangled Macromolecular Fluids. Macromolecular Theory and Simulation, 6, 1037–1118. KOPS. |
1996 |
- Baschnagel, J. and M. Fuchs. Monte Carlo Simulations of the Glass Transition in Polymer Melts. Non equilibrium phenomena in supercooled fluids, glasses and amorphous materials, 289–290. |
- Fuchs, M. Structural relaxations in a simple model molten salt. Disordered Materials and Interfaces, 167–172. KOPS. |
1995 |
- Baschnagel, J. and M. Fuchs. Monte Carlo simulation of the glass transition in polymer melts: extended mode-coupling analysis. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7, 6761–6780. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. Comment on “Universal Self-Diffusion and Subdiffusion in Colloids at Freezing”. Physical Review Letters, 74, 1490. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. MCT results for a simple liquid at the glass transition. Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 24(6-8), 855–880. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M., H.Z. Cummins, W.M. Du, W. Götze, A. Latz, G. Li and N.J. Tao. Tests of the mode-coupling theory for a molten salt. Philosophical Magazine B, 71, 771–781. KOPS. |
1994 |
- Fuchs, M. The Kohlrausch law as a limit solution to mode coupling equations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 172-174, 241–247. KOPS. |
- Li, G., M. Fuchs, W.M. Du, A. Latz, N.J. Tao, J. Hernandez, W. Götze and H.Z. Cummins. Light-scattering study of beta-relaxation in CaKNO3 and salol near the liquid-glass transition: idealized and extended mode coupling theory analysis. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 172-174, 43–51. KOPS. |
1993 |
- Cummins, H.Z., W.M. Du, M. Fuchs, W. Götze, S. Hildebrand, A. Latz, G. Li and N.J. Tao. Light-scattering spectroscopy of the liquid-glass transition in CaKNO3 and in the molecular glass Salol: Extended-mode-coupling-theory analysis. Physical Review E, 47, 4223–4239. KOPS. |
- Cummins, H.Z., W.M. Du, M. Fuchs, W. Götze, A. Latz, G. Li and N.J. Tao. Light scattering spectroscopy of the liquid-glass transition: comparison with idealized and extended mode coupling theory. Physica (Amsterdam) A, 201(1-3), 207–222. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and A. Latz. alpha-relaxation in a supercooled binary mixture. Physica (Amsterdam) A, 201(1-3), 1–13. KOPS. |
1992 |
- Fuchs, M., W. Götze, S. Hildebrand and A. Latz. A theory for the beta-relaxation process near the liquid-to-glass crossover. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 4, 7709–7744. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M., W. Götze, S. Hildebrand and A. Latz. beta relaxation theory for simple systems: some addenda. Zeitschrift für Physik B, 87, 43–49. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M., I. Hofacker and A. Latz. Primary relaxation in a hard-sphere system. Physical Review A, 45, 898–912. KOPS. |
1991 |
- Fuchs, M. and A. Latz. Depolarized Light Scattering at the Liquid to Glass Transition. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft, 95, 1131–1133. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M. and A. Latz. Light scattering at the liquid to glass transition. Journal of Chemical Physics, 95, 7074–7085. KOPS. |
- Fuchs, M., W. Götze, I. Hofacker and A. Latz. Comments on the alpha-peak shapes for relaxation in supercooled liquids. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 3, 5047–5071. KOPS. |
- Hofacker, I., M. Fuchs and A. Latz. The Double alpha-Peak Phenomenon in Polymers. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft, 95, 1046–1049. KOPS. |
1990 |
- Fuchs, M., W. Götze and A. Latz. Some comments on the alpha-relaxation dynamics of supercooled CaKNO 3. Chemical Physics, 149, 185–196. KOPS. |
Selected Degree Theses |
2021 |
- Kohler, E. Activation driven by a non-Markovian heat bath. (Bachelor's degree, University of Konstanz) |
2019 |
- Henckell, S. Event driven simulations of translational and rotational dynamics of hard spheres with friction. (Master's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Höfler, M. The Berenzinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of mobile Hamiltonian polar particles. (Master's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2018 |
- Dannert, F.A. Monte-Carlo simulations of defect-rich tilings of polydisperse squares. (Bachelor's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Maier, M. Stressfluctuations in glass-forming liquids. (Master's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2017 |
- Michael Szafarczyk, . Dispersion relations of disordered binary crystals. (Bachelor's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2015 |
- Blech, A. On the Isotropic Distorted Structure of Colloidal Dispersions Under Shear. (Bachelor's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2014 |
- Gruber, M. Microrheology considering parallel relaxation channels. (Master's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2013 |
- Häring, J. Compressibilities and Phonon dispersions of cluster crystals. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Seyboldt, R. Higher harmonics in colloid rheology. (Master's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2012 |
- Wötzel, M. Brownian dynamics simulation of elliptic disks. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2011 |
- Ring, M. A generalized Maxwell model for the non-linear rheology of supercooled melts. (Bachelor's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Seyboldt, R. Shear moduli of two dimensional colloidal mixtures. (Bachelor's thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2009 |
- Frey, S. Studies in time dependent rheology of dense dispersions. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Gnann, M.V. Analysis of schematic models of mode-coupling theory for colloids in external fields. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2007 |
- Bayer, M. Microscopic models for viscoelasticity in two dimensional colloidal suspensions. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Hajnal, D. Scaling laws in the rheology of colloidal suspensions. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Pfeifroth, O. Viscoelastic properties of colloidal particles with short-ranged attraction. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Weysser, F. Mechanisms of colloidal vitrification. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2006 |
- Gräser, O. Dynamics of a Polydisperse Hard Sphere Mixture at the Glass Transition. (Diploma thesis, University Konstanz) |
- Kamleitner, I. Structure Factor of Polydisperse Hard Spheres with Square Well Potential. (Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz) |
Doctoral Theses |
2024 |
- Alhissi, M. Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Liquid Glass. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2023 |
- Bissinger, T. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in a Mobile XY Model. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2021 |
- Miserez, F. Hydrodynamics of Crystals. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2020 |
- Häring, J.M. Microscopically founded elasticity theory for defect-rich systems of anisotropic particles. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2019 |
- Gruber, M. Theory of microrheology in complex fluids. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2018 |
- Fritschi, S. Event-driven Brownian dynamics simulations of two-dimensional fluids far from equilibrium. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2017 |
- Ras, T. Phonons and Elasticity in Disordered binary Crystals. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2015 |
- Frahsa, F. Nonlinear response of glass-forming dispersions under applied time-dependent deformations. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2013 |
- Amann, C.P. Time dependent flows in arrested states. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Harrer, C. Active and Nonlinear Microrheology of Dense Colloidal Suspensions. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2011 |
- Weyßer, F. Rheology of Brownian Discs. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2009 |
- Krüger, M. Properties of Non-Equilibrium States: Dense Colloidal Suspensions under Steady Shearing. (Doctoral thesis, Universität Konstanz) |
- Lange, E. Brownian dynamics analysis of dense dispersions under shear. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
- Naderian, M. Excluded Volume Effects in the Depletion Attraction between Nanoparticles. (Doctoral thesis, ) |
- Walz, C. Elastic constants and displacement fields in crystals with point defects. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2008 |
- Gazuz, I. Active and passive particle transport in dense colloidal suspensions. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
2007 |
- Henrich, O. Nonlinear Rheology of Colloidal Suspensions. (Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz) |
Book Contributions |
2009 |
- Puertas, A.M. and M. Fuchs: "Glasses in colloidal systems: attractive interactions and gelation", in Structure and Functional Properties of Colloidal Systems, edited by Hidalgo-Alvarez, R., , Surfactant Science146 (CRC Press Inc, Taylor and Francis, London, 2009), pages 135–164. |